Use the id
-attributes of HTML elements for referencing items in your report.
This allows you to reference for example:
- Headings
- Figures
- Tables
- Findings
- and everything that has an
Reference Images
Markdown |
| {#sqli}
As you see in [](#sqli) (e.g. rendered as "Figure 3")
| <figure id="sqli"><img src="/assets/name/image.png"><figcaption>SQL Injection</figcaption></figure>
As you see in <ref to="sqli" /> (e.g. rendered as "Figure 3")
Reference Findings
You need the finding ID of the finding you want to reference.
The markdown editor toolbar in projects provides a button to insert finding references.

Markdown |
| See [](#00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)... (e.g. rendered as "1.3 SQL injection")
| See <ref to="#00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" />... (e.g. rendered as "1.3 SQL injection")
Reference Headings
You can reference headings if your design supports it.
Markdown |
| # Findings {#findings .in-toc.numbered}
Find details in [](#findings) (rendered as "1 Findings").
| <h1 id="findings" class="in-toc numbered">Findings</h1>
Find details in <ref to="findings" /> (rendered as "1 Findings").