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Tools for OSCP Reporting

  • SysReptor's Online Reporting

    Easy pentest reporting tailored to OSCP reports.

    Pro tip: 🔥 Lowest reporting efforts online!

    Sign up and start off

  • SysReptor Self-Hosted

    Easy pentest reporting without cloud.

    Pro tip: 🔥 Run everything local.

    Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

  • Microsoft Word

    Use the official templates from "OffSec".

    Pro tip: We all love Word. Don't we? 🤔

    Get your Word-Foo ready

  • Markdown to LaTeX

    Compile your markdown with pandoc and noraj's LaTeX-template.

    Pro tip: Upload template to Overleaf and compile online!

    git clone your template

  • Dradis self-hosted

    Get the OSCP Exam Report Kit from Dradis.

    Pro tip: Most functionality included by Dradis Professional!

    Connect to localhost

Creating an OSCP Exam Report with SysReptor

OSCP Reporting Procedure

Make sure to test your tool of choice before the exam.

You know other tools that work well for OSCP reporting?
Please write us to